Ciakar Proud Reptilians
Ciakars are rather more like humans that they or we would choose to admit. Ill feeling towards “the other” in some ways could be said of...
The Mantid Beings
The Mantids or Mantoids are beings that resemble giant bipedal grasshoppers but are not real in the “material” sense as they are located...
Trippy's Adaptation of "The Draconians"
#trippy #Exopolitician #Draco #dragons #Baal #Annunaki #monsters #Pteroids #Ciakars #Draconians
The Alien Grey Beings – an Overview
There are that many different types of Grey Beings it is difficult ascertain whether they are all varieties of the same genetic line or...
The Draco "Reptilians"
Because of their alleged Alpha Draconis star system origins, the “Draco” is the colloquial name given various groups of cloaked...
A Topical Thought Provoking Interview with Peter Maxwell Slattery
An older interview of mine gives insight into my current mission.... #video #Draco #reptilians #extraterrestrials #paranormal...