Annunaki, Anunaki and Anunnaki
Few would have the courage to tackle this profoundly deep subject that captures the heart of what it is to be eternal. My book, “The beauty of Existence Decoded” is a very challenging read, but it will give additional clarity and is perhaps even a softer, easier path to comprehension.
Here I simply aim to clear up some of those well-meaning erroneous or misinterpreted myths that have created illegitimate foundations for the Annunaki laid by late Zechariah Sitchin and others. In short, Annunaki is “God”. Nevertheless, due to the potence of the concept (God is nothing more than that), numerous design variants have been conceived. Sitchin’s interpretation dealt with punitive physical beings and not a visceral all-consuming power, but, even so, his views could be adapted to implicate an underlying power behind the visible presence of “man”; be it infinitely superior to human. Manifest forms (usually group beings) of the Annunaki are a different syllabic combination and produce the not necessarily (directly) aligned “Anunaki”. As far as I can gather Sitchin translates hyphenated Anu-Naki as “Lord of the heavens”, though detailed analysis of the stemmed etymology encounters relative gibberish. Also, to clarify, whilst there is only one Annunaki, there are potentially numerous Anunaki derivatives.
Considering the human perspective, gauging the inflexibility of our material plane, both the Annunaki and Anunaki precedents (I use that term because Lord of the Heavens is rather hard to substantiate. Each assuming power sets the precedent until he or she is usurped) cannot be physical beings. It is difficult to ascertain whether the terminologies “thought being”, “archangel” and “Anunaki” are merely different ways to express identical duplicate meanings or if there are cubed light being Anunaki, thought beings that have not reached archangel status and so on. I am led to believe the highest dimensional state is cubed light and, consequentially, I rather fancy that Annunaki equates to quasi or non-manifest being, an absolute omnipotence implying zero capability of materialisation in hierarchies cubed light and below without conduits, proxies or agents.
In other words Annunaki influence would be limited only to Zoroastrian style effervescence. Conversely, characteristic Anunaki do have the capability of manifestation with the possibility of physique (in the loosest sense of that word), but only in dimensional strata with the dynamic provision to support absoluteness as envisaged or desired. To clarify, the Annunaki has no form because it is all form, whereas the Anunaki have [per individual group intent] branched into specialised select proto-entity or provisions-to-be entity types. Both could be anything, but the Anunaki choose to be what they are so are what they are.
Annunaki is more than a simple being, concealing the holistic identity of existence. “Oneness of existence” has been celebrated by spiritual intellectuals. However that state of being is not limited to reality. There is sub-space, space and hyper-space and each is an independent domain corporatized by a supreme, complete being (oneness). To paraphrase, sub-space is the will of God (An). It is potence. Space is the atomic ocean and building blocks of physical form (Nun). It is creation. Hyper-space (also called the astral plane) is ideas construed as ideological ideals (Aki). It is the place where everything is possible but nothing seems to exist. It is raw potential. It is the essence of everything and that is why it attracts clairsentients. They can literally find anything they want and be anything they choose to be.
Because of their inability to access the lower realms (such as the human physical plane), the Annunaki might and the Anunaki do live via contracts that parasite off the hierarchical pecking order down the dimension chain. In the case of human, we are subordinates of Ciakars who revere Pteroids who were created by the Drakkon (dragons), geneticists of Ba’al (unique proto-manifest beings), agents of though being, archangel Lucifer who was/is possibly also Anunaki. The leaders of Atlantis agreed to be hosts of God and in this capacity they are known as Anunnaki (though I have not fathomed the etymology yet). Nevertheless, with their additional powers they broke the divine bond and behaved atrociously, using their powers for selfish purposes. The rest is history.
#TheBeautyofExistenceDecoded #misinterpretedmyths #Annunaki #ZechariahSitchin #Manifestforms #Anunaki #groupbeings #dimensionalstate #cubedlight #thoughtbeing #archangel #hierarchies #Zoroastrian #effervescence #Oneness #spiritualintellectuals #an #nun #aki #anu #naki #Ciakars #Pteroids #Drakkon #dragons #Baal #Lucifer #etymology #history #physicalplane